The 10th Mountain Division
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 Clan Allies

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Posts : 11
Join date : 2011-01-26
Age : 48
Location : Tennessee

Clan Allies Empty
PostSubject: Clan Allies   Clan Allies EmptyThu Jan 27, 2011 4:12 am

At this point in time,we are currently at peace with ETSU,7th Calvary,and Exemplar Triune,all of which have a great clan,great game play and always follows the structure of the game.If any high level officer of either clan asks for assistance,please reply and give what help you are able to.They are great guys,and even better allies to have on our side.Also do not shoot Enforcer faction in any pvp zone or for any reason,faction is to hard to obtain and it makes enemies of otherwise a great helping faction.
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