The 10th Mountain Division
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The FE Clan: 10th Mountain Division
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 Raylan Given

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Posts : 1
Join date : 2011-04-28
Age : 58
Location : Breckenridge, TX

Raylan Given Empty
PostSubject: Raylan Given   Raylan Given EmptySat Apr 30, 2011 9:54 am

Hey all:

I have been in and out of Fallen Earth since it was released. I love the game, but the last time I left it did not seem to require "the second 'M'" so I gave it up for awhile. I came back about a month or so ago and started over again with this toon and am enjoying it.

I was recruited at the trivia night a couple of days ago and figure this might bring that 'M' (multiplayer) to the game. I need to get a new headset since I broke my old one and will be to teamspeak as soon as I do. Seriously folks, voice comms are almost a requirement. You can do so much more that way and it builds teamwork as well.

Raylan, like his namesake will be played more towards law enforcement (enforcer clan) and will be on once a day or so. Need a hand, he will lend it just ask.

Thanks for the invite.


Oh yea, someone take a screenshot of me sometime so I can use it here on the forums.
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