So for the Epic Gear Giveaway there are 8 question and I do not know them all lol. I have done some of the research and maybe together we can get em all.
From the website -
www.fallenearth.com1. What year was the Shiva Virus released on the World?
a) 2012 b) 2054 c) 3054
2. Who started the Lightbearers?
a) Shakti b) Colonel Pryce c) Alec Masters
3. Who coined the name "Children of the Apocalypse"?
a) Dr. Benjamin Sillers b) Colonel Pryce c) John Philips
4. What year did Alec Masters assume command?
a) 2126 b) 2012 c) 2020
From the game - Get the FREE trial
1. What kind of creature is Dinky?
a) Dog b) Prairie Chicken c) Coyote
2. What is the name of the CoG leader in Midway?
a) Chieftain b) Neo c) Motherboard
3. What creature do the CHOTA in Boneclaw fear the most?
a) The Beholder b) Dinky c) Wolf
4. What doctor fled Clinton FARM to work on his "research" in Midway?
a) Dr. Sanchez b) Dr. Cremaster c) Dr. Pryce
1)B. 2054 (resource-Fallen Earth Official website Time-line)
2)A. Ssakti ((resource-Fallen Earth Official website Lightbearer tab)
4)A. 2126 ((resource-Fallen Earth Official website Time-line)
So if you know them, please let us know so we all can be in the running.